
Homopathic Treatment

Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine which has been used by many practitioners to treat cancer patients. There are historical accounts about homeopathy treatment of cancer and modern literature also gives several case studies of homeopathy for cancer treatment.Homeopathy treats the person as a whole. It means that homeopathic treatment focuses on the patient as a person, as well as his pathological condition. The homeopathic remedies for cancer are selected after a full individualizing examination and case-analysis, which includes the medical history of the patient, physical and mental constitution etc. Homeopathic Treatment for Cancer The scope of Homeopathy for cancer management varies depending on the type of cancer, stage of cancer and the general health of the patient.

Following are some of the aspects of Cancer management with Homeopathy:

01 One of the most distressing complaints associated with some varieties of Cancer is the agonizing pain. Conventional medicines can provide pain relief but only to a certain extent and these medicines are not without any side effects. Moreover, there is always a restriction to the dosage that can be safely administered to the patient. The advantage of administering Homeopathic medicines in such cases is that there can be effective pain control without inducing any side effects.
02 Homeopathy can help in improving the general well being and vitality of the patient.
03 Conventional treatment options for cancer (chemotherapy, radiotherapy, etc) are associated with distressing side effects and homeopathy can play a definitive role to counter these side effects.
04 The diagnosis of cancer often leaves the patient with a sense of depression, anxiety, and fear. The treatment may induce additional irritability, impatience and mood fluctuations. Homeopathy can influence the psyche of the patient and help him to deal with these emotions in a better way.
05 Homeopathic medicines may also have a role to play in controlling the pace at which the disease increases and spread of the disease to other organs.
Homeopathic medicines can also be administered along with the conventional medication and thus it can fulfill its role as a complementary treatment for Cancer management. It must be remembered that homeopathy is not a substitute or alternative for conventional medication or surgery wherever these are indicated. Needless to say, Homeopathic treatment is without any side-effects whatsoever.

Following is the list of some common used homeopathic remedies for cancer

  1. Calcarea flour
  2. Conium
  3. Lapis albus
  4. Hecla lava
  5. Silicea
  6. Phytolacca
  7. Condurango
  8. Baryta carb
  9. Baryta mur
  10. Mercurius
  11. Carcinocin
  12. Schirrinum
  13. Thuja
  14. Hydrastis
  15. Plumbum iod
  16. Arsenicum album
  17. Phosphorus etc

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