MSC Library Students Group was created on 7th January, 2022 with 56 participants and one teacher from each department.


Library Rules


Library/Reading Room will remain open from 9.00 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. on all working days. Timings for vacations will be notified separately before the vacations start.

Book Bank

The Library provides books to the needy students on long term basis.Please contact at the library for details.

Conditions for Issue of Books

A student has to show her identity card at the circulation desk each time whether to borrow or return the book. The identity card with a barcode printed on it will work as a library membership card.

  1. A member shall ensure that the books lent to her are in good condition before leaving the issue counter. She must ensure that the pages are intact. If the pages are missing, she must bring it to notice of the person on duty.
  2. Periodicals, dictionaries, rare and reference books shall not be lent out. c) A book, which is already on issue, maybe reserved for borrowing by other members by informing the person on duty.
  3. All issued books should be returned on the due date.
  4. Students will have to replace the damagedI torn books or to pay penal compensation if the book is not available in the market. Lf the offence is repeated, the student can be denied use of the library facility, thereafter.


A fine of Rs.2/- per day for delay in the returning of general/ stack books (issued for 7 days) will be charged; ifthe students in general section do not return the book up to fifteen days, the amount will be doubled i.e.from Rs.2/- to Rs. 4/- per day. In case the book is not returned upto a month,the library membership ofthe students will be cancelled fora month, in addition tothefineto be paid.

For overnight books, the fine is Rs. 5/- per day. The fine will be doubled after three days i.e. from Rs. 5/- to Rs.10/- per day. Incase the book is returned after a week,issue of books will be stopped for a week in addition to the fine to be paid.

Points to Remember

  1. Personalbelongings like bags etc should be deposited at the property counter.
  2. Any student who has lost the Identity Card should immediately report to the administration office. Rs.100/- will be charged for the issue of a duplicate identity card.
  3. No personalbooks and photocopy material will be allowed in the library.
  4. Talking on the Mobile phone is prohibited in the library.
  5. Students,however, will continue to be responsible for any loss,which the library may suffer through the lossI misuse of their College Identity Card.
  6. Library books are for the benefit not only of the present but also the future members ofthe library.Therefore, the books should be handled with utmost care. Marking on the book is prohibited.
  7. Students should keep the librarian informed of any change of address, class or subject during the period of their membership.Any infringement of the rules may result in the forfeiture of membership of the library and the right to borrow.