The MHRD has formed e-ShodhSindhu merging three consortia initiatives, namely UGC-INFONET Digital Library Consortium, NLIST and INDEST-AICTE Consortium. Universities of Delhi and colleges are covered under 12(B) and 2(f) Sections of the UGC Act. Mata Sundri College for Women has subscribed the NLIST database and with user ID and Password students and faculty can access the consortium/e-resources in the college wide area network as well as at their respective homes.
Aims and Objectives:-
- Develop a formidable collection of e-journals, e-journal archives and e-books on perpetual access basis;
- Monitor and promote usage of e-resources in member universities, colleges and technical institutions in India through awareness and training programmes;
- Provide access to subscription-based scholarly information (e-books and e-journals) to all educational institutions;
- Provide access to scholarly content available in open access through subject portals and subject gateways;
Bridge digital divide and move towards an information-rich society;
- Provide access to selected e-resources to additional institutions including open universities and MHRD-funded institutions that are not covered under existing consortia;
- Take-up additional activities and services that require collaborative platform and are not being performed by existing Consortia; and
Moving towards developing a National Electronic Library with electronic journals and electronic books as its major building blocks.