Historical Perspective - Tracing the journey of college from past to present……..

Mata Sundri College for Women, named after Mata Sundri Ji, the consort of the Tenth Guru of Sikhs, Guru Gobind Singh ji, was established to propagate the cherished ideals of service, leadership, social responsibility and academic pursuits among young women with the motto, “Truth is the highest of all virtues but true living is higher still”.

Mata Sundri ji guided the Khalsa for 43 years after our great Tenth Guru, Guru Gobind Singh ji left for the heavenly abode. She has stayed for 43 years in Gurdwara Mata Sundri ji adjacent to Mata Sundri College for Women. She had been and will remain forever a source of moral and spiritual guide for all of us.

The foundation of the college was laid by a team of dedicated, devoted and noble Sikh leaders lead by Jathedar Santokh Singh ji. The unflinching faith and unstinting efforts of the Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee led by Jathedar Santokh Singh ji, bore fruit and history was created when the college was founded on 17 July 1967. Initially, it functioned from Mata Sundri Gurdwara Complex and there were 407 students on its rolls pursuing the B.A. (Pass) course. Mrs. S. M. Singh was appointed as the first Principal of the college on 13 July 1967. Though Jathedar Santokh Singh ji was nominated as the first Chairman of College Governing Body on 12 July of the same year, after completing all the formalities, he handed over the reins of governance to S. Hardit Singh on 13 July 1967. Four faculty members from the discipline of English and two from Political Science joined the college on the same date, taking the number of faculty members to 21 in the first year itself. This was followed by the addition of courses resulting in increase in the number of students and staff members.

Second Phase: This phase was marked by the development in academic and sports activities in college. The college commenced with only B.A.(Pass) course but moved ahead as four new courses i.e., B.A.(Hons.) in Punjabi, Hindi, Sanskrit and History were introduced in 1968. B.A.(Hons.) in Political Science and Philosophy were added in 1969. After this the college moved from stem to stern, continuing with its academic expansion spree. With the advent of these courses the college started expanding its base of students and resultant staff. The college became a full-fledged Constituent college of Delhi University when Post Graduation in Punjabi was introduced in 1976 and Masters in Sanskrit began in 1978. The year 1978 also saw the addition of B.A. (Hons.) in Mathematics and B.Com. (Pass) to the steadily increasing number of courses. B.A. (Hons.) in English was introduced in 1980 and B.A. (Hons.) in Psychology and B.Com. (Hons.) in 1985. The college was ranked amongst the top colleges of University of Delhi when it added two more courses i.e., Masters in Political Science in 1993 and Hindi in 1994. With the increase in the number of students, a need was felt for the expansion of infrastructure. Once again, as a result of the dedicated efforts of the Gurdwara Prabandhak Committee, Block A of present the building was constructed and the college shifted its classes to this block in 1992. The sanctioned strength of teaching staff enhanced to 131 and the student strength crossed the mark of 1600. Academic exposure was also extended to students who could not enroll in regular college courses through provisions of Non-college Women Educational Board (NCWEB) classes in the college campus from 1983 onwards. A noble programme of Bani, Declamation and Kirtan competitions involving teams from Nursery to college levels from Khalsa, Public and Govt. schools was initiated to inculcate a spirituality in the minds of students and staff. An inter university cultural festival Saarang started during this phase. The college got its name being mentioned in reputed institutions of Delhi.

Third Phase: In this phase, college adopted a multipronged approach to expand its academic as well as infrastructural dimensions. In 2005 the college started Vocational Courses in Tourism & Travel Management, Textile Designing and Computer Applications under its Vocational Center. Later three foreign language Certificate courses approved by University of Delhi in French, German and Spanish were also initiated in 2008. The very first professional degree programme in Bachelors of Elementary Education (B.El.Ed.) of the college was introduced in 2007. Department of Environment Studies was established in 2014. The infrastructure of the college was spruced up and made more robust. A modern state-of-the-art auditorium named after Mata Sahib Kaur ji (the spiritual mother of Khalsa) with a capacity of over 500 people was erected in the college campus in 2013. A well-equipped gym, cafeteria and tutorial halls were created at the base of auditorium building. Gurdwara sahib in the college was reconstructed at the central corridor of block B of the college. An additional floor to the college building was added. College library was revamped by making it fully airconditioned and providing ICT facilities in addition to the spacious reading room.

College also took the significant move of making the campus disabled friendly by installing Lifts and elevated chairs, constructing ramps and tactile paths, establishing an Enabling unit in college and Hellen Keller unit in the library during this phase. With the thrust of 21st century on digitalization, college also considered upgrading the infrastructure to enable use of ICT in everyday teaching-learning culture of college. A significant number of the classrooms were equipped with projectors to convert them into e-classrooms and the curriculum lab of B.El.Ed. was revamped into a multipurpose lab with installation of smartboard. Three more Computer labs were provisioned and the whole campus was made wifi enabled. Recently, two new courses, including, B.Sc. (Hons.) Computer Science and B.Sc. Computer Science started in the year 2017. The college got enhanced the sanctioned strength of teaching staff to 166 and Non-teaching staff 62. The student strength in the college has crossed over 5000 during this phase. The college celebrated its glorious journey of fifty years in the year 2018 as its ‘Golden Jubilee’ year.