S.No. Section Key Indicator
1. 1.1_A List of Courses offered across all programs by the College
2. 1.1_B Program wise data for each program during last five years
3. 1.2_A Programs Offered by the College
4. 2.1 Number of Students year-wise during the last five years
5. 2.2 Government Reservation Policy for Admission in Higher Education
6. 2.3 Number of outgoing/final year students in different programs year wise during the assessment period
7. 3.1 Number of full-time Teachers year-wise during the last five years
8. 3.2 Number of sanctioned posts during the last five years
9. 4.1.3 Total Number Classrooms and Seminar Halls
10. 4.1.3A Geo-tagged Photos
11. 4.1.4_4.4.1 Highlighted Infrastructure Augmentation
12. 4.4.1_4.1.4 Consolidated statement of Expenditure on infrastructure
13. 4.3.2. Student Computer Ratio