Teacher Coordinators: Dr. Moitri Dey. Dr. Ishleen Kaur Lamba, Dr. Simer Preet Kaur & Dr. Paromita Datta
Student Coordinators : Ms. Komal Sikha & Ms. Paridhi Saxena
As a measure to enhance the quality of academics, the Department of Political Science started with its series of Knowledge Club in the year 2017 – 18. Knowledge Club sessions are broadly aimed at promoting critical enquiry in students through paper presentations on relevant themes, followed by debates and discussions around them. The students are encouraged to take up research on issue related to their discipline, and to present their views on the same. The paper presentations are followed by an open-house discussion.
Knowledge club is a platform to encourage students to present their views on various subjects, to gain confidence to make presentation across various forums, to engage in meaningful dialogue both inside and outside the classroom. The Government of India introduced New Education Policy 2020 to initiate reforms in the education system in the country. An important aspect of this policy is the focus on ‘Research’. Understanding the importance of research based learning the Knowledge Club decided to organize the sessions
in the current semester on this subject with the purpose of inculcating the value of research amongst the students.