‘Polimates’ is the name given to the student body of Political Science. It maintains an Instagram page and all around the year the society is actively involved in organizing various academic and cultural activities of the Department. Debates, mock parliament, group discussions, spoofs and Damsharads are some of them, of course all along they are encouraged and guided by the faculty.
The student council of the Department consists of 4 office bearers- President, Vice-President, Secretary and Joint Secretary, selected each year by a majority. In July 2017, for the first time, the Department experimented with carrying out the exercise of formal elections. Candidates made formal presentations to woo their fellow students. Voting was done through secret ballot with the use of ballot boxes. With a set of instructions all in place, this formal democratic exercise was a great learning experience for the students.
To give further impetus to the Society ‘Polimates’ – students who excel in academic and other activities throughout the year are given certificates and trophies as was done in the ‘Young Achievers Award Ceremony’ in April,2018
The Department have created different sub-groups within the Polimates (Departmental Society) where we are trying to involve as many students as we can.
Within the Polimates Society, we have created four groups: Knowledge Club (An academic forum), Cinemates( A film society), Sambhal(Remedial support for Hindi medium students) and VOICE(E-Journal)
- Knowledge Club : As a measure to enhance the quality of academics, the Department began with a
series of Knowledge Club sessions in the past academic session. These sessions are broadly aimed at promoting
critical enquiry in students through paper presentations on relevant themes, followed by debates and discussions
around them. The students are encouraged to take up research on issue related to their discipline, and to present
their views on the same. The paper presentations are followed by an open-house discussion. This semester we had
two such sessions.   View More
- Cinemates: It is the film society of the Department. “The power and appeal of documentary is the
way it alters and plays with the way the universe relates to and understands the subject.”- Ben Edwards.
In today’s digital age, the youth are constantly stimulated visually. It has been found that Films and
visual learning is an effective way to connect and convey message to students. Films, television and other
media platforms can provide an immediate and immersive window to a better understanding of the world and the
issues impacting all of us. The film society believe in the power of films to open our minds, inspire us to
learn more, provide a bridge to better understanding major issues of contemporary times, and compel us to make
a difference. When properly used, film can be a powerful educational tool in developing critical thinking skills
and exposure to different perspectives. The film society had shown four short films and documentaries to our students.
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- Sambhal: ‘Sambal’ which means support in Hindi, is an initiative taken up by the Department of
Political Science with a view to help Hindi medium students from the department. Though the mode of the teaching
in the department is bilingual, yet there was a hesitant amongst the Hindi medium students who face some problems
in learning. Not only this, there is lack of availability of material in the Hindi language. ‘Sambal’ as a society
intends to help such students providing them an exclusive platform where they can freely convey their problems.
During the semester (January 2019 to April 2019) three sessions of remedial classes were held. Other than that
materials were also translated by the faculties in Hindi and distributed to students on some topics from their syllabi.
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- VOICE: The Department e-journal ‘Voice’ was Conceptualized as an annual enterprise. The e-journal was
first launched in 2016, the introductory theme being ‘Democracy in India’. Since then, the e-journal has proved to be
a successful innovation and a key resource for knowledge-generation and knowledge-sharing outside the classrooms.
The Department is proud to state that the e-journal has witnessed huge participation from the students, be it as
individual contributors or as members of the editorial board. The main purpose of the e-journal is to help the students
cultivate an interest for independent research and to train them in different methodologies of conducting a research.
The e-journal serves as a space for students to explore different mediums of creative expression, be it as essays or
articles, poetry, political satire via cartoons and posters etc. The aim is to take academics into non-academic and
non-institutionalized spaces, where the mind and thoughts of the students are free from the rigors of set curriculum
and lectures etcetera, so that ideas can develop independently. All the editions of the journal are available on
the college website.   View More