The Department of Economics at Mata Sundri College, established in 1967, is one of the oldest departments of the college. The department is a vibrant learning ground which aims at instilling its students with the skills of reading, comprehension, writing, analysis and presentation related to Economics.
The department places high value on the promotion of internships and employment opportunities for students, along with providing right guidance for higher studies. It strives to help its students think critically about the economic issues they confront in their daily lives and develop a commitment to be actively engaged with policy issues in local, national and global communities. The Department regularly organizes group discussions and quiz contests to stimulate the teaching- learning process.
The department supervises peer mentoring programs to develop the mentors and mentees’ knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Seminars and workshops are held at regular intervals with the aim of familiarizing students with research scholars and speakers from the world of academics. Students are encouraged to write research papers and participate in various seminars and conferences. Regular assessment is carried out by means of class tests, tutorials, group discussions, PPTs, assignments and Projects.
In addition, the Department also tries to equip the students with the practical ability to utilize the theoretical knowledge to understand the functioning of the economy around them. In order to keep in tune with the changing times, updation of syllabus is a periodic exercise undertaken by the Department of Economics.
- B.A. Programme
- Generic Elective for Honours and Programme Students
- Skill Enhancement Courses for Programme Students
Important Links
Attendance Rules
The students are required to attend not less than 67% of the lectures during each semester in order to enable them to appear for university examinations.
Assessment Scheme
A continuous process of internal assessment takes place during each semester. The assessing procedures usually include written assignments, projects, house exam and presentations. Final examinations are held in the month of November and May.
It is mandatory for a student to secure minimum 40% marks in each theory paper during final examinations, 40% in the internal assessment for each semester, to pass the examination.