Procedures and policies for maintaining and utilizing physical, academic and support facilities - laboratory, library, sports complex, computers, classrooms etc.
The College follows all norms and procedures laid down by the University in constituting committees for maintenance of infrastructure and other facilities. As per the requirement, infrastructure is improved, modified and upgraded on a regular basis.
Classrooms and Building
- A caretaker, appointed by the Institution, supervises the maintenance and upkeep of the physical infrastructure of the College.
- The College has outsourced the housekeeping and maintenance of classrooms and the entire building. There is a separate supervisor to ensure cleanliness on the College campus.
- The Hygiene Committee of the College inspects the building from time to time in order to keep the campus clean and hygienic.
- A separate Canteen Committee supervises the hygiene and cleanliness of the canteen. A periodic inspection of the canteen premises including the kitchen is carried out by this Committee.
- The Purchase Committee for all purchases has been constituted as per university regulations and functions strictly as per norms and procedures. The Committee approves the requirements of the College for the maintenance of infrastructure and other requirements.All the procurement and purchasing is done through GEM portal.
- The institution has a Stock Verification Committee which makes a review of the book balance and ground balance of stock at periodic intervals.
- Specialized personnel look after laboratories of the various departments.
- The College Garden Committee has been entrusted with the role of making the campus green. Green corners have been created in the corridors and students are responsible for watering the plants.
- Water purification facility is available for ensuring safe drinking water for all.
- Maintenance of fire-extinguishers is done periodically.
- Maintenance of the Electrical and Mechanical systems of the Conference Hall and Auditorium is done on a regular basis.
- The lifts of the College are maintained and serviced regularly.
- CCTV cameras have been installed at various points to ensure safety and security of students and staff members. The functioning of the cameras is checked on a regular basis.
- The College has a medical room with a surgical bed, wheel chair, medical kit, basic medicines, thermometer, blood pressure instrument and a weighing machine.
- The college is also in the process of developing a creche facility for the college teaching and non-teaching staff.
- The College has a Library Committee for maintenance of library facilities. Each department has a representative in the Library Committee. It ensures that syllabus related text books and reference books are procured with the funds sanctioned to each department. New books are purchased by the library as recommended by the Departmental faculty.
- The library personnel also check the current titles or latest editions of books through websites of publishers as well as the catalogues provided by the publishers and vendors.
- The Library staff comprises 11 members including the officiating librarian. The staff looks after the maintenance and upkeep of the library.
- The library has a policy of weeding out old books. Books are also sent for binding to keep them in good condition.
IT Facilities
- The Institution has a well-equipped Computer Center with latest updated software and hardware. It includes a server room and two servers connected to the Wi-fi system provided by the University of Delhi.
- Up gradation of laboratories is carried out on a regular basis. New software is purchased and installed as per the needs and requirements of students.
- There are lab in-charges, computer consultant and staff to maintain all the labs and IT infrastructures.
- A separate Website Committee has been constituted for the up-dation of the website on a regular basis.
- The Computer Science Department gives advice on the updation and maintenance of the IT infrastructure with their expert inputs.
Sports Complex
- The College has a Sports Board for maintaining the facilities for sports students. The sports board through its periodical meetings take stock of the requirements of the sports departments and strives to improve the sports facilities. The Sports Board and the Department of Physical Education also organize various workshops on physical wellness for students and faculty members.
- Separate staff has been appointed to maintain the sports equipment.
- Instructors have been appointed and they help students with their sports practice and in using the gymnasium.
Infrastructure for differently abled
- Our Enabling Unit has a coordinator and members appointed from among the faculty members who take care of all the requirements of our differently abled students.
- Battery operated chairs installed near the basement staircases are maintained on a regular basis.
- Tactile paths and ramps are repaired from time to time.
Governance of the College
- The College uses Online Administration software Indogenous for the maintenance of students’ admission, attendance, internal assessment and time-table.
- The Accounts Department uses Tally Prime to maintain its records.
- For regularity and calculations of salary, the college uses HR Software for Salary.